More than 80 singers attended the Sunshine Coast's first Peer Sing event, held at the Coolum Civic Centre on Sunday, 28 November, 2010. It was a hugely fun, inspiring and rewarding day and gave those of us in the singing community an opportunity to connect with one another. Peer Sing was designed and developed by Marina Thacker from the Conductors Chorale network in Brisbane. The purpose was to gather community choirs together to present their songs, share their voices and enjoy a new and exciting teaching experience. Facilitators and choirs were: Kath Williams with InsingC, Jane Becktel, Brian Martin with New World Rhythm, Andrew Emmett with Cooloola Voices and Good Vibrations, Ngareta Ring with Heartsong, and Yvonne Corstorphin with Cool Harmonies.
Bendigo Bank AGM 23 November 2010
Cool Harmonies performed at the Bendigo Bank's AGM on 23 November, 2010 as part of the pre-meeting showcase of local community groups sponsored by the Marcoola branch. The bank's support has allowed the choir to recently produce a 2011 calendar for our members. Last year we also produced our first CD "Waves of Harmony" and a booklet of member profiles as lasting mementos for our members who continue to enjoy singing every Thursday morning.
Japan tour 2010 September-November
Ten choir members joined their talented leader Yvonne Corstorphin in Japan. Together with New World Rhythm representatives from Australia and Japan, they performed in the Harmony Planet World Fusion Concert in Moriguchi, Osaka on 3 November 2010. The concert was a moving and magical experience for the audience, singers and musicians alike. It was one of the highlights of the 14 days the Australians spent in Japan sightseeing, engaging with the Japanese people, experiencing their lifestyle and culture while in their extraordinary country.
Sunshine Coast Choralfest 29 May 2010
Sunshine Coast choral groups gathered at the Maroochy Baptist Church on 29 May, 2010 to showcase their different styles, ranging from classical, folk, a cappella, gospel, popular and barbershop - and combined for a grande finale.